
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yeah.. new television!!

How much do I love this time of year? Most of my favorite tv shows have come back. I'm so excited. Tonight, a show i really didn't think would come back, did! Lipstick Jungle is the BEST show. I love it. Its funny and sad and riviting today ( at least to me) its about 3 girlfriends and all the problems they have. I stayed up late tonight for the first time this week, just so I could watch it. It didn't disappoint me. Another favorite show is America's Next Top model. love that show. I wish they would have a "america's next top photographer" and I was on it. I dream of taking pictures, literally. I try so hard to take good photo's. too bad my mind is gone and I can't remember anything, like the right settings etc to use.

Oh.. and I love the new 90210. Its good. Another favorite show is the Big Bang Theory. SOOO funny and I like 2 1/2 men too. Monday night is a good night to watch TV. Tomorrow night is going to be good too. Survivor starts and Grey's antomny. Dr McDreamy is coming back! Yipee!

Where would I be with out my Television? Well, right now I'd probably be reading. I am reading a really good book. Its called the "last Jihad". OMG.. kinda scary, especially since some of it is really coming true. The series was highly recommended to me by one of my best friends and its nice to be able to read and book and then talk about it with someone else. I think thats why there are "book clubs".

I'm really anxious to get out there and take some more pictures. I have 2 more shoots coming up hopefully soon. The beautiful fall weather won't last for long. I really want to take pictures of my other best friends daughters, Hannah and Heidi. I hope to get to do that soon also.

I am thinking seriously about getting a cortizone shot in my arm. I've been having horrible pains. I supposedly have "tennis elbow" even thought I haven't played a game of tennis in my whole life. Its VERY painful. Just typing on the computer is killing me and sometimes just doing nothing hurts ( can you imagine? I think NOT!) I can't wait for the day that I will be painfree, and I know thats when I'll either be dead or in heaven. (hopefully the later)

I have made a new friend! Can you believe it? It is really hard for me to make friends, for some reason. I think I'm an "ok" gal. I am really shy and don't have alot to say to other people. those of you that know me will find that hard to believe, but its true. My new friend is into photography too and she has recently given me some good pointers. I just want to give a shout out to her.. THANK YOU GWEN! I am so sad that when I moved away from Abilene, you moved there, literally! I am glad we are at least "internet" friends and that some day we'll actually get to meet in person. I think you are such a brave person and I admire you alot.

Ok. I guess thats enough for tonight. I have alot of emotion in me right now and just thought I had to let some of it out or I'd explode! Thanks for stopping in!

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